Accessing GaaP Services
The 'Accessing GaaP services' team is exploring how best to manage leavers and joiners across the GaaP portfolio of products, and reduce the number of logins staff need for internet-hosted services.
As more and more services begin to adopt our Government as a Platform components, we’ve decided to post regular updates on our progress building them. This is a list of what we’ve done so far in 2017. We’ll iterate the format of these updates to make them as useful as we can.
After the first three weeks of our discovery, we reflected on what we’d learned about user management for Government as a Platform (GaaP) products. The alphas we’d considered were too influenced by the desire to try out a promising technology …
We recently completed a discovery on signing in, and managing access, to digital services. This is the first of 2 posts explaining the change in direction of the 'Accessing GaaP services' discovery.